Check the FCC S.A. performance in Circular Economy and Bioeconomy
Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores acknowledges the importance and need to develop and apply sustainable practices to its productive processes and in the value chain for customers and the society. That is why, in the search for solutions that maximize the use of resources and minimize waste generation to cause less environmental impact, we are committed with the transformation of the linear economy towards a circular model.
We believe that investing in technology and innovation will be crucial to overcome the structural challenges of the processes circularity rise and we want to be the leading actors of initiatives that effectively contribute to a more sustainable future.
In 2019 we signed a cooperation agreement with Braskem, the SENAI Institute for Innovation in Biosynthetics and Fibers of the SENAI CETIQT and the EngePol – Laboratory of Polymer Engineering (PEQ/COPPE) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro for the development of the pyrolysis technology focused on the improvement of products obtained from advanced plastics recycling. The initial research investments are estimated in R$ 2.7 millions, considering financial and human resources of the companies and institutions involved.
Concerning this Project, our goal is the development of a fixed bed catalyst allowing the chemical transformation of plastic wastes into petrochemical raw materials that can be reinserted in the productive chain, reducing the use of fossil origin natural products and thus contributing to wastes elimination.
The Advanced Recycling pilot unit is already acquired, assembled and under operation. After several catalytic performance tests in laboratory scale, we already have a champion catalyst formulation that may be customized for meeting the production goals.
This initiative is directly aligned with the FCC S.A. strategic planning, that contemplates the development of new products and markets, and with the commitment of the company in contributing to the sustainable development and support initiatives in the fields of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy.
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