Sustainability that originates from the DNA

Sustainability that originates from the DNA

Present in each delivery, solution and process - it is the key player.

And in this way we build FCC S.A

We keep on strengthening our practice before social responsibility. We live in a reality under constant construction and deconstruction, and we have to be prepared both for the change and to accelerate change. This positioning contributes to root our socially responsible, sustainable management culture, inspiring those who make FCC S.A. happen and, consequently, the industry.

A commitment with life

At FCC S.A. we are seriously committed with our Environmental, Social, Safety and Governance engagem

At FCC S.A. sustainability goes far beyond actions to benefit and preserve the environment, it permeates the well-being of our employees, the community we are inserted in and our customers also –all. We count on a Sustainability Committee to secure that we are in the right path, always taking into account the pillars below for each of our procedures.

Honor life

Honor life

We always prioritize the well-being and safety of our employees, customers and community we are inserted in.
Honor nature

Honor nature

We create solutions to reduce all and any ecological impact, besides internal and external environmental awareness actions.
Honor businesses

Honor businesses

Trust, partnership and collaboration guide both our governance in decisions making and our relationship with customers.

Under synergy for
a better society

Diversity, equity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion

It is people who make FCC S.A., that is why we incentive a healthy workplace, with a culture prioritizing diversity, respecting equity and promoting inclusion, aiming at eliminating all and any kind of discrimination and prejudice. 

We provide spaces for reflection and chat groups on subjects such as: gender equity, sexism, racism, homophobia and inclusion of disabled people. For example, in the Women’s Talk, we have debates, experiences exchanges and much sorority. In the Men’s Talk we incentive exchanges and talks, always seeking a more diverse and friendly workplace.

Health and Safety

We constantly monitor all our processes to secure health and safety for our employees as well as our community. To prevent accidents and foster the safety culture, we have created 10 golden rules – rules that save lives! 

To complement the rules and reach excellence in ESG, we are all committed to comply with a careful management process based on a basic rule: “No job is so urgent or important to prevent it from being planned and executed with safety“.

In this way, we adopted the FCC S.A. Safety Program – (PS – FCC S.A.) that combines the initiatives of the shareholders (Ketjen and Petrobras) to the experience of FCC S.A. itself. The PS is present in all the company’s areas and is based on the following principles: visible commitment, line responsibility, deviations management, continuous learning and focus on human behavior.

Health and Safety
Abílio Faia Forest Garden

Abílio Faia Forest Garden

Launched in 2000, at first the Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. Abílio Faia Forest Garden aimed at recovering and reforesting with Atlantic Forest native arboreal species the area adjacent to the company. The project success secured its continuity and constant expansion; at present it has the social commitment to provide seedlings of different species for donation, fostering the creation of partnerships with governmental and non-governmental entities. Since its creation approximately 170,000 seedlings were donated.

Environmental Education Program

The Environmental Education Program is one of the social company’s environmental initiatives with the surrounding communities. Created in 2005, it is aligned with the social objectives of the organization (education, sustainability, income generation and health) by means of awareness on environmentally sustainable techniques practiced locally, such as native species, ornamental and medicinal seedling planting, organic composting and teaching on the importance of correctly separating wastes. Since its creation the Program has reached 7,000 visitors between students and teachers. 

Environmental Education Program
Social Initiatives

Social Initiatives

We have a series of corporate volunteering programs and initiatives that contribute for the development of the community we are inserted in. We prioritize our Social Responsibility in building new realities, always thinking in the future.

From environmental programs to the community development through professional education, we are proud of what we created and invite you to be a part of this path.

Learn more


Check the measures taken by FCC .S.A. to secure safe processes and routines for employees and customers, preserving the health of all and, mainly, of the environment.
Environmental Management
Water Efficiency
Carbon Emissions


Processes and products portfolio are constantly reviewed with research centers and partners to be sure that they are aligned with our social environmental, social economical values and to Circular Economy.

<strong> delivery</strong>

Our aim is to deliver solutions that foster businesses and promote our customers’ success, always in a sustainable way.

Circular Economy and Bioeconomy

At FCC S.A, Circular Economy is of huge strategic directive when we speak of sustainability. The linear model widely used for many years, that is, collect, manufacture and dispose of should be eliminated, and this is already reality here. When one thinks Circular Economy we consider the whole: environment, society and companies. We rethink our way of consumption to identify all that can be reused, creating bonds between manufacturers and consumers so that the process wastes of one become the raw material of the other one and vice-versa. 

As an example, through partnerships with civil construction companies, every co-product generated in the FCC S.A. production process has a sustainable destination.

Besides, we always try to prolong the useful life of our products, enabling regeneration cycles. This is the essence of the Circular Economy: making conscious use of materials indispensable to our reality, while prioritizing all and any damage to the ecosystem.

On the other hand the starting point of Bioeconomy is the use of renewable resources at the beginning of the productive chain of numerous economic areas. The combination of both is also part of what we desire for our future, since it represents the ideal business model for creating a reality where the environment is respected and preserved in its entirety.  

Circular Bioeconomy

Circular Bioeconomy

Its essence

  • Use of organic products.
  • Sharing, reuse, reproduction and recycling practices. 
  • Cascading materials practice.
  • Use of organic wastes flows. 
  • Efficient resources insertion into value chains. 
  • Raw material recycling and retrofeeding 


Throughout our permanent search for sustainable solutions, we found a way to reuse catalysts that have already fulfilled their role in the cracking process before components recycling or disposal. 


Be acquainted with the Equilibrium Catalyst

Often, the catalyst that fulfilled its main role in a process can still be employed in other ones, working, for example, as an equilibrium catalyst (E-CAT). This is the ideal scenario for FCC units processing heavy residual feeds, such as nickel and vanadium: the E-CAT absorbs these wastes, sparing the new catalyst and prolonging its useful life.

Besides, the equilibrium catalysts posses further reuse possibilities in the industries. Their components can replace conventional raw materials, reducing both the landfill disposal and the environmental impact caused by the excessive resources exploitation. 

All this means to practice sustainability, sustainably prolonging your equipment useful life. And, clearly, with its years of experience, FCC S.A. is an expert in aiding its customers to manage this procedure.

Be acquainted with the Equilibrium Catalyst


Being stuck in time is no option for any industry, let alone for FCC S.A. With our partners and advanced research centers, we seek to create solutions aligned with a new reality. That is how we find manners and processes to use our catalysts in increasingly sustainable ways.

Be acquinted with Cyclus

Chemical recycling catalysts are already a reality around here. Through a technology involving high accessibility and specific pore structure, the Cyclus catalyst, a pioneer in the area, converts useless tires rubber into raw materials for reinsertion in the productive chain.

Cyclus perfectly fits into the Circular Economy concept. Besides, it also minimizes gases formation and the reaction temperature, contributing to the process energy gain. FCC S.A. is increasingly committed to create 

Be acquinted with Cyclus

Advanced plastics recycling

A Cooperation Agreement between Braskem, FCC S.A., SENAI CETIQT, EngePol – Polymer Engineering Laboratory (PEQ/COPPE) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro enabled us to develop catalysts for transforming plastics wastes into circular raw materials for reinsertion in the productive chain. We do this by increasing the efficiency of a technology known as pyrolysis. 

Pyrolysis is the breaking of original molecular structures of a compound by the action of heat in an environment of scarce or no oxygen. The more efficient the process, the higher the quality of the products generated in the plastics advanced recycling. And as in fuels refining, where catalysts are able to securely accelerate processes and bring benefits, they also optimize pyrolysis, reducing the use of fossil natural resources and contributing to the elimination of wastes.

Our partners Our partners
Our partners
Our partners
Our partners

The basis of
Our Pillars

Corporate Governance is present at each FCC S.A. step, securing that all operating fronts follow our codes, policies and pillars, honoring life, nature, businesses and the commitment we have with sustainability. Thus, we base our operation on Honesty, Respect, Truth and Transparency, on HRTT.

I will be Honest in my words, behavior and gestures.

I will Respect people and subject matters, admitting as dignified the opinions, subjects, behaviors and possibilities. 

I will use the Truth, as I understand it, as a basis for my participation.

I will be Transparent, not hiding feelings and thoughts, whenever pertinent.

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