At FCC S.A. I live constantly under continuous learning with results oriented to people. I am very proud and I am grateful for being part of this team!

How it is to
work with FCC S.A.
FCC S.A. provides a workplace based on honesty, truth and transparency, no discriminatory practice being allowed. Our culture is focused on support and innovation. We praise trust, team spirit and good relationships, valuing continuous learning. We are orientated by five values:
We look for creative, diverse, proactive, audacious, inquisitive, protagonist professionals and that are proud of being part of the team. Here you will always find Professionals skilled and prepared to overcome challenges. We will always be side by side with you, supporting and believing in your development through education and training.
FCC S.A. people management promotes the workforce skills through education and training.
That is why we always align our needs and expectations with each employee so that his potential can be improved. By means of this alignment we are able to determine realistic goals for each individual as concerns what is delivered (the activities), and how it is delivered (everyday attitudes). All is formalized in our performance and management system, where we assess the employee development from several aspects, taking into consideration the fellow workers, internal customers and the team leader point of view.
These results are essential for the right value of people, being the basis of our acknowledgement programs.
Careers that
tell histories
If you are looking for professional development, collaboration and constant learning, FCC S.A. is the ideal place to build your career. Get acquainted with our programs.
We understand that trainees are the organization talents basis, securing, together with the Operators Formation Program a professional team prepared to ascend to the first level positions of the company structure, from the technical up to the high rank.
The program focuses on practical activities and on the organization perception, besides the possibility of developing behavioral competencies by means of learning paths provided by our partners.
Every trainee has a tutor that can be either his manager or someone indicated by him, to provide everyday follow-up of challenges and technical and behavioral feedback.
In force since 2000, the Program for Operators Formation is crucial for talent discovery, forming and contracting skilled operators for FCC S.A. Apprentices and students are the future of our company, and here they build opportunities to accelerate their careers.
The program aims at easing the way youngsters can obtain their first job, providing tools for their development. We have partnership with SENAI, credited by the Underage Trainee program that secures the same benefits than those of our employees.
As a result, we collaborate with social responsibility, providing the professional development of several people, including those who live in the community where FCC S.A. is inserted, providing talents for the future.
If you look for new challenges and professional development, come to be part of our team. By combining excellence in People Management and always attentive to the best market professionals, we have a portal plenty of opportunities waiting for you, as well as a talents bank. Learn about our opportunities and register your curriculum.
The Diversity Booklet is meant not only to inform but also to inspire. By learning ahead on the different aspects of diversity, not only we educate ourselves, but we also cultivate empathy, respect and higher collaboration capacity. We invite you to explore this vast universe of experiences and perspectives, to build a fairer and more friendly workplace ambience for everyone.
Here at FCC S.A. we praise diversity and the collaborative atmosphere. We are a plural team, focused on the best performance of our products, our customers’ success, the potential of our solutions and the quality of our services.
For this we rely on a highly skilled, prepared team to anticipate market needs.
This is our business.