Research and
The FCC S.A. main innovation axis is Research and Development, that supports our fronts directed to Refining and New Businesses. It is in this way that by optimizing technologies and processes we assure the continuous development of efficient solutions, always focused on the customer and on new business opportunities.
To this end, we combine internal and external learning through deep collaboration and partnerships, accelerating and anticipating smart and sustainable solutions for the market. As mainsprings, we always have our customers’ voices, one of our differentials, and the industry trends that make sense for our business.

About the ProFIT Program
The FCC S.A. Technological Innovation Program is a reference system based on the worldwide acknowledged Stage-Gate® methodology for its excellence in the Innovation Management process. Every program step is essential for creating and implementing new solutions for the market and catalytic cracking units that we serve. Through it, we combine market intelligence, the customer voice and partnerships, forming our first innovation front, directed to Refining.
The first step starts both by our proactivity mapping opportunities for innovating in the market and our customers’ needs. As soon as the demand is determined, we enter the Research & Development step before our partners, research centers and partner universities.
The Catalytic System Reformulation Process directs the production and testing steps. From then on, we are able to check if a product is ready to be launched or not, repeating the cycle until it is completely improved. This same process is applied to existing FCC units to target improvements or updates.

Catalyst System Reformulation Process

Innovation Center
Our Innovation Center is inserted in the second innovation front directed to FCC S.A. New Businesses, combining creativity, vision and ability to establish relationships for products development and applications to new markets. It is an innovative set up formed by a multidisciplinary team with several companies.
The FCC S.A. future vision is to act deeply in Bioeconomy, circular economy and energetic transition, delivering to society opportunities that contribute to reducing the carbon print, adding to the industrial processes sustainability and consequently, to the environment conservation. The Innovation Center acts in the projects portfolio management on new solutions, including the management of ideas, partnerships, intellectual property and Open Innovation.
The Center also has its own methodology, the Innovation Journey, where it makes use of a set of tools and agile methods such as Lean Start Up, Cool Hunting, TRL (Technology Readiness Level - ISO 16290:2013), SCRUM and Canvas, with the required adaptations for each kind of project.

Partnerships that spur
We present the third innovation front: our partnerships. It is through them that we succeed in placing all our innovations within our vision, values and purpose for the Refining and New Businesses areas. With them, we anticipate and create solutions plenty of research, technology and collaboration.
The FCC S.A. international presence and global knowledge exchanges is rendered possible through our partnership with Petrobras and Ketjen. By means of a joint action, we succeed in taking paths that highlight history. These two big companies of the international market enable us to deliver increasingly updated refining solutions for customers of all over the world.
We also count on the partnership of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and of the UFBA Polytechnical School Foundation, the FEP. Together we conduct research on new FCC additives and catalysts aiming at reducing the sulfur compounds content in petroleum-derived products, reducing the sulfur emissions environmental impact.

New businesses
Partnerships with Universities, Science and Technology Institutes (ICTs) and corporations enable us to create solutions through researches and information share to foster new businesses, to make FCC S.A. go always ahead.
The Cooperation Agreement between Braskem, FCC S.A., SENAI CETIQT, EngePol – Polymer Engineering Laboratory (PEQ/COPPE) and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, for example, provided the development of catalysts for transforming plastic wastes into circular raw materials that can be inserted into the plastics value chain. Thus, we reduce the use of fossil origin natural resources and contribute to waste elimination.
By means of this knowledge network, we are creating sustainable, pioneering solutions, such as Cyclus. And then, we keep on doing deliveries that are not limited to the refining industry, contributing to the building of future.
Perform with
Collaborate for building the future, new contents and innovating solutions.