From September 12th to 14th, Fábrica Carioca de Catalisadores S.A. participated as Host Sponsor in the 12th Latin American Refining Technology Conference 2023 – LARTC, a meeting of a number of companies and professionals of the petrochemical and refining industry.
Throughout the three days of the event, FCC S.A. was present in several panels, sharing innovative solutions on the latest trends and technological advances of the area. To start its participation, the company promoted the workshop “The relevance of the FCCU for a world in transformation” which was presented during the pre-lecture. In this presentation, the Technical Services Team focused on the key role of the FCC unit to face the challenges to come in the next few years and strategies to transform this scenario into new, profitable initiatives for the refiners were introduced.
Among these strategies, the new ReNewFCC catalyst for renewable feeds processing, the DENALI catalyst which is an ally in the CO2 reduction in the refinery, besides catalytic solutions for the processing of non-conventional feeds and maximization of light olefins were highlighted. Lastly, digitalization was mentioned as an important tool for speeding and improving the decision-making process at the refinery. It is relevant to stress that all of the solutions provided in the workshop belong to the FCC S.A. Core Services.
In the Panel of Leaders, Cid Carvalho, FCC S.A. Manager, opened the agenda on the first day of the event, and together with other leaderships, discussed the role of Latin America in the global energy matrix.
On the second day of the conference, Adilson Gutierres, Technical Services Engineer, participated in the panel “Transforming Energy Industry for the future: How the Latin American energy companies thrived and improved their processes through digitalization”, which had the subject “Digital Transformation” as guide of the discussion.
Ending the schedule, the company closed its LARTC 2023 activities with the technical lecture “Coprocessing: challenges and opportunities for the energy transition”. The presentation aimed at launching the new catalyst directed to the coprocessing and processing of biofeeds in the catalytic cracking units, as well as the news of the participation of FCC S.A. in the first processing test of a 100% renewable feed in an FCCU.
To close brilliantly the event, FCC S.A. was honored with the Prize of Excellence in the category “Catalyst Supplier of the Year”. The award is an initiative of the World Refining Association and aims at acknowledging companies, refineries and managers that excel in the industry. FCC S.A. interprets the conquest of the award to the work devoted to delivering performance to the refining market and the effort of its team which seeks quality, innovation and sustainable solutions.
Besides the activities in panels and round tables during the conference, the stand of the company was a huge success. Having a modern and innovative design, the stand was the central spot for launching the new product ReNewFCC and provided the refiners an additional opportunity to clear issues and receive information. Another highlight were the miniatures of Brazilian fauna animals offered as gifts and made by indigenous craftsmen. This initiative was focused on providing the participants of the event with an authentic souvenir, stressing the commitment of FCC S.A. in supporting socially responsible and sustainable causes.
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